about The others CA

The Others CA formed in 1988 in San Diego. The original line up of Alex Tennant, Patrick McCaffrey and John Jillard played their first show at the New Sounds of the 60’s. When it was time for them to perform, they were told that they were cut from the line up, due to time constraints, and that the next band on the flyer was to get on stage and perform their set. Unsure what to do next, a friend of the band acted as The Others CA “quasi manager” distracting the booking agent between sets, The boys leaped onstage without their own gear or drum kit, plugged in and played a ferocious set that lit the venue on fire. Four songs in the venue cut the power and the announcer stated, "Either we cut The Others now or you don’t get to see Donkey Show." At that point the crowd started bouncing up and down in unison chanting, “THE-OTH-ERS! THE-OTH-ERS!” The group didn’t get to continue the set but made their point, that they would not be denied. The group continued to play as many live shows as possible between San Diego and Los Angeles cutting their teeth in seedy clubs.

Shortly thereafter John informed the band that he would be leaving the group for personal reasons and that his last show would be Mods Mayday 1989 at The John Anson Ford theatre in Los Angles. The group performed a blistering set of original songs including a cover of The Small Faces “Get yourself together” with Cheryl Caddick of the 64 Hours singing back up. Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, an aspiring drummer, by the name of Dave Klein was in the audience watching the groups live set and introduced himself afterwards. It wouldn’t be long before Dave took over beat keeping duties and the group continued playing shows in San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland and San Jose. They performed with No Doubt, Hepcat The Question, Manual Scan and The Loved Ones (with guitarist, Xan McCurdy later of Cake) and many others who came and went through the local scene. The band made two “demo” tapes that got passed around the scene and would be the catalyst for many a live show but unfortunately never got a proper recording. Towards the end of 1992 Dave decided to part ways with with the group. This was a time of re-evaluation and Alex decided that we wanted to move on with college and so the band disappeared.
Over the course of the next few decades, John reached out periodically to Patrick to get the group back together for a “reunion” show. This idea never transpired because Patrick had been estranged from Alex for 25 years and stated that, "If we were to do this, it would have to be with Alex” but no one had contact info nor had any idea where to find him. However through Johns sleuthing, Alex was eventually “found” and the three held a zoom meeting in 2022. The fellas decided to do a “one-off” show at Vespa Motorsport of San Diego where they played (with the Lexicons) to an exuberant audience and people coming out of the woodwork to the show, many that had been fans back in the early nineties!
Ater that show the group had a big, what now? moment. The performance bug had bitten, and the guys just wanted to play a few more live shows but this presented a chicken and egg situation: they wanted to play live but had no recorded material to give to potential venues, booking agents etc. After much deliberation the group decided they needed to record the some of the old material and get an album together. Patrick had been in contact off and on with former drummer Dave Klein and knew that he had a recording studio and started discussions with Dave Klein Recording.
It would be a perfect fit for the band as Dave (the engineer / producer) was already familiar with the material (and the sound they want to achieve), having played many of the songs himself on the demos and live shows. Patrick was looking for female backing vocals for several of the songs and after several people fell out or just didn’t fit, Dave mentioned that he had been recording The Unclaimed forth-coming album and that their guitarists wife (Cheryl) was a singer who may be able to fill in. When she came to Dave's studio, they quickly realized that Cheryl was in fact, the same Cheryl (Cadick) Cleary, who sang with the group previously. They both recalled her performance with the Others CA thirty plus years ago at Mods May (6) Day at John Anson ford Theatre in 1989!
The Album would be dubbed “New Old Stock” as it seemed to be a perfect fit for the songs. At one point (on May 6th-34 years to the day) while recording, it was brought to everyone’s attention that Alex, John, Dave, Cheryl and Patrick had not been together in the same space since that 1989 show and here they are, brought together seemingly by destiny to record “New Old Stock.”
The musical style of the group has been described as "a vintage rock with punk undertones along with a ton of pure power pop." Their unique and dynamic sound, blends elements of punk and classic rock with sonic melodies and hooks, to deliver an unforgettable listening experience and soundscape." Here is what some are saying about the album, New old Stock:
“A true Southern California rock sound.” - 88.5 The Socal Sound LA radio host Marc “Mookie” Kaczor
“Brilliant, absolutely blinding this album!” - 6T Radio UK, Allan May.
“Make the neighbors listen to this at full blast! - The Seattle Modcast - Robert Crowther.
"(The album)... Is covered in changing melodic flavors. ¡ The Others CA Impresses us with phenomenal Power Pop prowess that changes power and strength with incredible ease! - End Sessions Eduargo Cruz
"They have a nearly perfect sonic drive, but it's always got that bit of heart and color to it, so you have that blend of edginess and catchiness that come together. Listening to this record does indeed have the vibe of a group of people in a room feeding off of each other musically. Dive into this record as soon as you can and don't be afraid to turn it up.!" - The Recording Artists Guild, RAGMAG 05/15/2024.
We hope that this album does something sonically for and to you. For best results, listen at maximum volume.
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